I had this discussion with a friend a couple of months ago as he professed to being a sports purist. Ironically enough, in the conversation he professed to DISLIKING the Yankees (even a Yankee fan isn't surprised by this, as the Yank hate bandwagon is much larger than the Yank love bandwagon). In this friend's defense, he did later explain that over the years he's become "indifferent" towards the Yankees. I still struggle to believe that even the mildest human could be a sports purist 100 percent of the time, with all sports. There will be that one game, that one player, that one team, that in a moment of weakness will push you off the sports purist wagon (if only for a short instance) to cheer for or against a team or player, to care about winning, or to let the competitive nature that simmers ever so softly underneath come to a boil.
As I have learned I could never be accused of being a sports purist.
1. I love the Yankees and why I am a fan too much.
2. I love winning!
3. I am competitive to a fault (my simmer is always a boil) yet it is a huge driving force for me as well.