Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Attempting to Rock Climb....keyword "attempting"

Attempting to rock climb at Nicole's house in Sacramento. I learned one very important lesson for all. Rock climbing requires three things: TWO able arms, TWO able legs, and BALANCE! If you don't have these three things, which is the case for me, then I would highly recommend that you avoid rock climbing. Otherwise you'll have a very similar look on your face. Let's just say a certain someone fell down from this position several times (5 to be exact) directly into Nicole's face. Bless her little heart for wanting me to try.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My HP team!

Our whole team in Las Vegas. This was the first time we have ever all been together. Our team is split between Palo Alto, CA and Sao Paulo, Brazil. We had such a great time getting to know one another better! Now our meetings will definitely be more lively! L-R Jeferson, me, Leilee, Silvano, Wellington, Peter, Lucy, Elaine, and Roy. It was also our boss Roy's birthday so we had to celebrate well!
Myself, Lucy, Leilee, and Elaine with our giant Pete in the back. We have this debate on who is taller between Leilee and I. After several measurements the majority chose Leilee but I think this picture gives me a least a couple of centimeters on Leilee!

Pete and I! Yes, I am in this picture, behind Pete. Pete gets quite the kick out of our VERY noticable size difference!

Waffle Night....Ben cooking, the rest eating!

Twins? Hmmmm.... who looks better in this shirt? Cast your vote now. It only took Alex a few minutes to realize that I had put Craig's matching shirt on, very impressive on that speed.

Ben and Meredith cooking....oh wait, correction: Ben cooking, Meredith attempting to help! :)
Meredith posing "oh so natural" for a picture when downing some delicious waffles.

Nicole, Craig, me, Alex. Waffles just make us happy!

Alex and I awaiting another batch of waffles. After some discussion the conclusion has been made that green is definitely my color. I have never been one to hide my confidence, but the picture speaks for itself. :) Or as my friend Meredith put it "Jess looks fantastic in green! Or next to Green (hehehe)". Alex's last name is green for those of you that didn't catch that one. :)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

How Berkeley Can You Be Parade

And the winner for the best entry goes to Rev. Bill!!! A great lesson for us all!

In the park after the parade...playing duck, duck, goose! Haha

A better shot of the legs! :)

Who has the better shaped leg? Me or the legs on the top of the car. I'm going to go with myself.

Ben and I...oh so enjoying the Parade!

This was my favorite entry of the parade. The "Orange County Lawn Club" came up because they heard Berkeley was trying to go green so they thought they come up and help teach Berkeley how to use tons of water to water their lawns. Wrong kind of green, which was their point and it was hilarious!

Yummy...human cupcakes. :) Not really sure what they are trying to promote. Maybe over-eating.

Arnold is apparently all around the world.

This gives new meaning to "free range". These roosters were about as annoying as Grandpa Erickson's in the early morning. :)

One this picture, look past me to see the collared tie-dye shirt behind us.

Front L-R: (Jess, Meredith, Nicole), Back L-R: (Ben, Marcie, Alex). This is us prior to the big event!

Background on the How Berkeley Can You Be Parade: The only pre-req for entry into the parade is that you have to be weird and have some sort of a cause that really isn't a cause. Haha, not really. There aren't really pre-reqs but basically it is to show how Berkeley is just "Berkeley"...if that can be an adjective.