Sunday, October 21, 2007

Waffle Night....Ben cooking, the rest eating!

Twins? Hmmmm.... who looks better in this shirt? Cast your vote now. It only took Alex a few minutes to realize that I had put Craig's matching shirt on, very impressive on that speed.

Ben and Meredith cooking....oh wait, correction: Ben cooking, Meredith attempting to help! :)
Meredith posing "oh so natural" for a picture when downing some delicious waffles.

Nicole, Craig, me, Alex. Waffles just make us happy!

Alex and I awaiting another batch of waffles. After some discussion the conclusion has been made that green is definitely my color. I have never been one to hide my confidence, but the picture speaks for itself. :) Or as my friend Meredith put it "Jess looks fantastic in green! Or next to Green (hehehe)". Alex's last name is green for those of you that didn't catch that one. :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

You do look great in Green! I'm totally craving waffles now by the way.