Thursday, November 1, 2007

My First California Earthquake!

The story begins Tuesday morning when my roommate Mikey and I were chatting about her purchasing supplies for her 72 hour survival kit. I told her how when I moved here my Mom sent me fully equipped with a 72 hour survival kit because now I was living on the peninsula in the Bay and so when a earthquake hit I'd be the first to fall into the ocean. We laughed about the joke and headed to work. After a very long day at work, my legs and arm were hurting pretty badly. So I decided to soak in the tub. This was at 7:30 pm. At roughly 8 pm, I decided to quickly shower. Typically I get dizzy from the hot water anyways, so when the quake started my first thought was: Man, I am really dizzy tonight. Then I realized that it wasn't me shaking but everything around me. It lasted around 20 seconds and was a 5.6. That is right, my first earthquake happened while in the shower. Not the most ideal place for survival or quick evacuation if necessary - but makes for a good story. I can read the headlines now: "Girl found in shower rubble in P.A. after quake because she just couldn't leave the warmth of the water." Thank goodness for railing in the shower. :) It might not be me falling into the ocean but falling in the shower, Mom. So good thing I've got that 72 hr kit. Maybe I'll start storing it in the bathroom, just in case I find myself in the shower during our next quake! :)

1 comment:

Robert said...

This just confirms to me that you are a dork...i still love ya though =) Glad that you are alright.