Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving in Idaho!

Me and My girls. Avery (aka Averina, my Russian Ballerina), Samantha (aka Sami Jami), and Morgan (aka MoCo). My three very cute and spoiled girls!!

Josh and Morgan. This is pretty precious Josh. What will the all girls think?
Auntie (aka My Mom) and new baby Morgan.
Matt, me, Mom and Josh at dinner one night. Josh is the funniest kid you'll meet. My Mom was introducing Matt and I to the daughter of the owners while I was paying the bill and then she said "And you know Josh, right?" The girl said in this high-pitched voice "Of course I know Josh". We then got in the car and my Mom thought this girl's response was so hilarious that she was reacting it. Without missing a beat Josh flexes his biceps and says "Obviously, I give every girl a free ticket to the gun show". I thought I was going to die laughing.

This is the Rexburg, Idaho, LDS Temple. These pictures just don't do the sacred building justice. It is nearing completion and will have the Open House starting at the end of December thru the end January before it is dedicated where anyone can come and view the Temple. For those of you not aware of what a LDS Temple is, I've posted below just a little bit about LDS Temples. It is such a beautiful building and I'm so excited to attend the Open House!

To members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the temple is the "House of the Lord." It is a sacred building, and after its dedication only faithful members of the Church may enter. Inside, members learn more about the purpose of life and make covenants to serve Jesus Christ and their fellow man. In addition, they participate in religious ceremonies that reach beyond mortality, such as baptisms on behalf of deceased ancestors and eternal marriage.

This picture of the Tetons was literally the view from my backyard growing up. Now all we see from the Bay windows is a big fat wood barn that apparently is an Art Gallery inside.


Emily said...

Little Morgan is so cute! You look like a pretty proud aunt. :)
So you made it up to Idaho for Thanksgiving, eh? I wish we could have -- but we'll be there for Christmas. Will you be there?

Emily said...

Hey Jess, loved the update. Ava & I are a little jealous you got to hold Morgan before we did though!! Looks like you had a great time. Just for the record, I've heard Jed use the same line that Josh has used about 1000x. They definitely get a big part of that self-esteem from the Erickson gene! Can't wait to see you at Christmas...