Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Has The Paternal Unit Been Up To This Week?

Mama Berry had a full knee replacement on Monday morning. What does this mean? That when I'm 35 years old Mama Berry will still be able to beat me in a foot race! She is one tough cookie. I find it fascinating how advance technology is becoming...maybe by the time I'm 45 years old doctors will be able to replace my whole right side with new parts? That would be cool!
Mama Berry getting worked over by THE Physical Therapist, Judy B. Judy is a miracle worker, in our humble but expert opinions. I've been to my share of PTs and sorry folks but they ALL pale in comparison to Judy! I'm very glad that Mama Berry is in her hands.
Now that is what I call "leg art"!

Mama Berry is recovering now, she's lounging, eating bon bons in her chair, being waited on hand and foot (or at least that is what I'm told so it better be happening), and being entertained by the girls.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Oh, poor Mama Berry! I'm sure she'll feel much better now, but still. Surgery is no fun. Give her hugs for me!