The first night in Palo Alto I met my new roommates and Samantha Hall. Little did I know that night I was being introduced to such a sweetheart. Sam in a word embodies service. Later Sam and I would work together in the Relief Society and I was amazed by her capacity to love and serve so much and so sincerely. Below is a pile of compassionate service notes that Sam kept while serving in that calling. I think this pile speaks volumes of what is important in Sam's life. She has again and again proven that in our interactions and as I watch from the background at her kind gestures of friendship. I feel a certain kinship with Sam Hall. On my gchat status it always reads I heart [Insert person or item here] while on Sam's status it always reads I am grateful for [Insert person(s) or item(s) here]. I do heart Sam Hall! She is a wonderful example of service, love, and humility. Sam will be serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in February and while she will be missed I am happy that others will feel the joy that Sam Hall brings to the lives she surrounds. Thank you Sam, good luck (soon)!
Sam is going to be the most WONDERFUL missionary! she really cares about people, their talents, their hopes and dreams, their quirks and beauty. She will be a beautiful asset to serve the Lord. I can't wait to serve with her in the mission field!
How are you? Are you coming home for Christmas?
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