Sunday, June 7, 2009

2 Years @ HP Today....

I almost feel like a real grown up saying that. Where has all the time gone? The great thing is I still love my team. ;) Life moves quicker than we ever anticipate at 18....I for one could not be more excited for the "rest of my life" still.

I've been applying two conclusions as of late in my life.

1. As long as I play two sports a week I am happy/content with my week, my life, my existence. Pure Bliss! This week: ping pong, Frisbee, and golf. I feel the most at peace and close to Heaven on earth when I'm on the golf course, next to the temple of course. It is truly where I feel completely like Jess Berry.

2. Living is a PRIVILEGE whether married or single that should be fully appreciated not just in theory but in action. All too often single people view it as a death sentence but seriously it is not. (i.e. traveling, free time to become amazing people, experience amazing things, and most importantly an opportunity to serve the Lord, build up His Kingdom in a way that is only available when we are single...we can truly put our shoulder to the wheel and not worry about many other obligations that come when you become part of your own family unit). Life should always be worth living to the fullness.


Scott said...

Jess, you are spot on. Number two especially is true for me. I feel that when I was single I could offer so much more to other people (who are not my children) becuase I had the time and means to do so. I often beat myself up becuase I can't do as much as I used to now that I have family obligations, but then I have to remember that my obligations to my children and husband are noble too. :) Thanks for your words of wisdome. You're great!

Deborah said...

Happy 2 year anniversary!! I love and appreciate you... even if you are way cooler than me and I'm slightly envious.