Friday, December 4, 2009

Better Late Than Never

With HC getting married on Saturday the 12th (SOOO SOON!) I figured I better post the rest of my favs from the AR and MPR wedding. Weddings and marriages are so exciting and happy! We are all excited for HC and J.Duke wedding weekend in The LA!
***PS...yes the infamous bouquet toss post shall flow is a must see!
My Palo Alto Family. We are so cute! (just so you was MPR's idea to stick me in the middle). Love my PA family for sure.
This sums up MPR and I's relationship pretty well...I am sure I put her in a headlock right after this photo too. ;)
The girls with the bride (Little Page (BRIDE-TO-BE IN 2 WEEKS), Mer, Yours truly, MPR (BRIDE), HC (BRIDE-TO-BE), SJ, and KO. Possibly my favorite!
My two Matadero #6 stalwarts! Benj and Kenj are two of a kind.
This picture folks will NEVER get old. Actually when I need a good laugh I open up and look at this photo! Hehe...yes laughing as I type. Click on it to enlarge it (totally worth it)!
All the kids!
This may be the best...for several reasons really...let me list them.
1. BUNNY EARS (duh)
2. MPR's face
3. My face (honestly, why do I look like that?)
4. Benj laughing at the bunny ears
5. Dave Burke..lurking behind AR
6. SJ and her sunglasses
7. The fact AR and Mama Richards look completely normal amid the goof balls
Yes, we actually did sort of play football with that bouquet later in the evening.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen...that is love...adorable, nerdy, fun, selfless love.


moma berry said...

jess i loved the photos! especialy the one with the bunny ears!

Sunshine said...

"Adorable, nerdy, fun, selfless love." Amen!