Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Inner Workings Of The Stanford Junior Mind Part 13

The Few and Far Between: The Vices of Jess Berry.

1. Dr. Pepper. JB practically uses her many 12 packs as a bed frame. She can tell you the best way of drinking DP, warmed up from the California sun in her car. Which leads to her next vice...

2. Her car. JB often takes nap in her car. She has figured out the perfect level to lean back in the front seat and still be able to change the radio without leaning forward. Obsessed, perhaps?

3. Ten key number pads. Yes these do exist. I asked myself that question earlier. These pads provide bragging rights for accountants by comparing ten key typing speed. I will include her calculator that she carries in her purse into this vice as well.

4. Yankees. If I expand this section further JB might not post this, she is a little sensitive about this subject.

5. GChat. JB and I spend some substantial time talking on GChat or GChatting or "Pinging" I will extrapolate she spends a considerable amount of time chatting with her friends online. She often quotes GChats on her blog.

6. Lists. JB loves lists. If you ask her nicely she might tell you her list of her top five body features or her top five favorite cuts of meat. She probably has many Google Documents filled with various lists.

7. Self Explanatory*

I have given her two weeks to develop some virtues in order to create a comparing list. As Abraham Lincoln has explained, “It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.” When explaining this concept to Jess, she asked for a definition of a virtue. Here you are Jess:

Virtue: moral excellence; goodness; righteousness. (from dictionary.com)

*For those who didn't get this one. She LOVES the number seven. She will only wake up on a seven. Like 6:47 or 7:17. She is unique.

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