Sunday, May 9, 2010

Like Mother Like Daughter

If the mothers are thrifty, so are their daughters. If the mothers are modest, so are the girls. If the mothers wear flip-flops and other casual clothing to sacrament meeting, so do their daughters. Mothers, your example is extremely important to your daughters—even if they don’t acknowledge it.

Elder M. Russell Ballard

This in a nutshell explains Mama Berry to a tee! It also explains two of the best lessons she taught me through her example of righteous living. Today in sacrament mtg at church there was a musical number of this primary song that my mom use to sing to us before I'd go to sleep, who knew I'd be a little weepy over it but I always felt her love in those moments and in all other moments growing up. Many priceless and last memories of my childhood include or are because of my Mama. Mama Berry is the best mother in the world. Some may try to argue that their Mama is, I have no doubt they are great...but this is my blog so obviously Mama Berry wins this title! The Mamas on the bus say...

Happy Mother's DAY! I love you. Thanks for your sound advice and constant example.


moma berry said...

Thanks jess what do the mamas on the bus say?

Deborah said...

Moma Berry is so sweet! She leaves me heartfelt comments on my blog.

Jess said...

The Mamas on the bus say: That's not appropriate, that's not appropriate...hahaha!!! in point, coolest mom! ;)