Saturday, November 27, 2010

Very Grateful For These Two!

This Thanksgiving I was privileged to spend the day with AR and MPR! There is something to be said about small and intimate Thanksgivings.
1. Plenty of food
2. You eat on real plates
3. Plenty of food
4. Less dishes to clean up
5. Plenty of food
6. Plenty of room for everyone to sprawl out on the couch afterward
AR did an excellent job of the master carver!
MPR, the Pie Queen! Yes, she made 5 pies. 1.5 pies per person ratio. That is the best ratio I've ever experienced, even better than that 3 boys to 1 girl ratio in my business program in college.
MPR also made these awesome drinks, that not only looked festive but tasted delicious!

I really did appreciate such a delicious and low key Thanksgiving! I haven't felt well the last few weeks and it was a wonderful gift from MPR and AR to just let me experience the joy of the day by showing up with my charming personality. Thanks AR and MPR! You are the best PA family a girl can ask for!


chris said...

so jealous!

Jess said...

well had you not decided to jet off to London again you could have been my date for dinner...but then again our pie to person ratio would have gone down. ;)