Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Fun and Nerf Warfare

 Brown Eyes loved the "new" play cell phone that ended up in Grandma's toy box

 And she loved her My Little Pony
 Matty was very proud that he found this hat at his mothership, (Cabela's)

Averina and Brown Eyes are quite the coat models as well
 New pjs

Mama Berry came through for Matty and I too, giving us a blast from the past with Nerf guns!  There were a hit! Within just a few moments we were back at it, which mostly consisted of me attempting to shoot Matty and missing and him pelleting me repeatedly. For some reason this was still very awesome!  

 The little girls joined in the battle! 

 Love her!
We had such a battle that this is what happened to Mama Berry...

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