Monday, March 10, 2008

Oscar Night---FHE Style

No, we did not attend the real Oscars. We did however have celebrities in our mists. Matthew McConaughey, Michael Scott, Lance Armstrong, Hilary Clinton, and Google to name just a few. Mikey and I definitely looked amazing enough to make the "Best Dressed" list in People magazine! All the FHE groups had spent months making mini-films and then we all got dressed up and viewed the films. The winner of the best film was the "FHE-Office", let's hope it gets on YouTube soon! My favorite film moment is a toss up between Brooke Crosland playing Angela from The Office or Meredith Bergin's hair tossing. Hard decision! Too hard! They tie.May I point out four things in this photo: 1) Mikey's hot red handbag/wrap duo. 2) Mikey's heels! 3) Mikey is NOT a whole head taller than me! (Please refer to point #2) 4) Mikey did my eye make-up (a new skill that she's developing and I'm happy to be the test dummy).

We were sure how the wrap worked initially.

Mikey and I at our real heights!

1 comment:

Gini said...

you look so pretty!!