Background and justification to my Craziness! ;)
"In the Hebrew, seven ([b'v, - Sheh'-bah) is from a root word meaning to be complete or full. This can be clearly seen from the first time a variant of this word is used in the Bible.
"1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."
Genesis 2:1-3
The number 7 in general is my lucky number. I almost have an insane attachment to the number. I wake up on a 7 no matter what every morning. (i.e. 4:47, 6:37, 7:07) It is so odd that even if I want to push the snooze button, I wait one minute until 6:38 to push the snooze because it only snoozes for 9 minutes and that way I wake up again at 6:47. In all the repetition one does at the gym I go to 17, not 15. When I do curls I go to 17 and then count 17 seven more times before I finish. While running on cardio machines I always cool down until a 7 hits on the timer. If I miss the 7, I go another 10 seconds to hit the next one. (Slight case of OCD). My favorite/best birthday was my 17th birthday (my parents took me to Vegas and I spent the week laying by the pool and reading, shopping, attended my first rock concert). It was the first and last time I ever was on vacation with the family (in particular my Dad) that the entire vacation wasn't planned out to the last minute. The year 2007 was my lucky year in theory. During the year I was thinking that my number 7 was failing me in some aspects but as I've considered the events in my life over 2007, my lucky number really did hold true. I had an amazing year in both the ups and downs. The only exception to the number 7 has been in regards to sports numbers. It stems to wanting to be as great as my brother at baseball at a young age (like 4 years old I am sure). His baseball number was 5, so mine was always 5 too. I still remember taking my first photo in my #5 softball jersey when I made the team for the first time in high school (which is another story that I'll share at some point). I always felt amazing in that jersey! Having the #5 jersey is acceptable because it is an odd number and given this post it is safe to say that I am ODD.