Sunday, August 10, 2008

Northern Idaho is really just Southern Canada!

My entire life I have always jokingly professed that Northern Idaho is really just Southern Canada and then two weeks ago my joke was proven to be fact. Josh made the Northwest Regional Babe Ruth Tournament (kind of a big deal for those of you that don't know much about baseball) in Lewiston, Idaho. I made the last minute decision to join my family for some baseball and golfing (in between games). In Idaho the license plates are marked by counties (1T, 2C, 1J, 4B, etc. followed by numbers), which allows us to tell instantly where a car is from (kind of cool). Then we go to Lewiston (which is part of Nez Perce county) and all the license plates are just N followed by the numbers. No 1N! The excuse that they are the only "N" county doesn't hold much weight in my opinion. Too good to join the rest of the great state? Or are they just proving what I've always known: Northern Idaho is really just Southern Canada!
Mom and I (To think that Mom didn't expect the picture to turn response: Of course it would! Just look in the mirror.)
Dad and I before Josh's first game of his tournament. Yes I am wearing the gangster hat proud just to embarrass Josh.
We went to this burger shack (that was quite tasty) and the seats were saddles....of course we had to document this. Only in Northern Idaho...
Josh definitely has better technique than I do!
I was laughing too hard!
Yes, Josh is at the bottom of the dogpile just posing away!
Josh and I
Dad, Jess, Josh, Mom after Josh's final game at the Northwest Region Tournament.
Had to photograph this just in case Josh never gets his name on the Big Board again (that is highly unlikely given that he is a Berry though).
The whole point of the trip to Southern Canada!


Jeff & Johanna said...

Hey we used to live there! Too bad we don't otherwise we would have gotten together. Personally we weren't too impressed with that burger joint but thoroughly enjoyed the saddle seats as well.

Mandi Burrell said...

Did they win? Your blog is so fun to read. I miss ya girl...hope your summer is going well.