Saturday, August 30, 2008

Prius Update

Counting Prius cars has caught on like a computer virus in a Dell with my friends. As I spent weeks in Idaho I found myself in a Prius dry spell. Yet my PA friends kept me apprised of the Prius sightings. My friend, Chris, found himself in a Prius 4x4 while on the flip side I only saw 4 Prius cars the entire trip to Lewiston, Idaho. Yet Mike and Sandi informed me that the mass car flavor of choice in Northern Idaho is the Subaru. Not a huge shocker. Emily noted in a text message that instead of slugging like when you play slug bug, you should named it the Prius Pinch. I like it! Also my roommate Mikey wins the price for best Prius sighting of the month (see picture). Prius Taxicab = 5 points! So whether it be the taxicab, the 4x4, a Prius sandwich, or simply seeing a Sea Foam green Prius, there is always something enjoyable for the whole family when counting Prius cars.

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