September is a glorious month! I actually know a minimum of one person per day that has a birthday from September 1st - September 13th, followed by more on the 16th, 19th, 24th, 29th. See how amazing September is? It is a wonder that anyone is born outside of September. Friday night my folks met SEC (BFF) and I in Provo where we celebrated at a Brazilian BBQ Mom's bday (Sept 1st), SEC's bday (Sept 6th), and mine (Sept 10th)! All the meat you can imagine! Only fitting for a birthday celebration! Thanks Dadio! You made us all feel special!
awful picture of me....please remove
"All the meat you can imagine! Only fitting for a birthday celebration! Thanks Dadio! You made us all feel special!"... and bloated from all that meat! hehehe :)
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