Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy "Golden" Anniversary!!!

28 years on April 28th. My parents have a marriage that is one to behold. I do not say this just because they are parents. I've watched many marriages and these two are impressive. These two literally spend all day together most days (they work together or as we tease Dadio works for the boss) and they still enjoy being together. This one fact alone is impressive! The hand of God in my opinion was involved from the very beginning since these kids only dated FIVE weeks prior to a proposal. Sorry folks but that is slightly (completely) crazy...these two kids are the exception. I could bore you with trivial reasons why these two are so cool such as they never fight, they look starry-eyed at one another across the room, or that Dadio is ALWAYS trying to steal a kiss...but while all these things are true I think the fact that after 28 years they are still best friends is most romantic. Thanks for being great examples of what a marriage should and can be like!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why I Heart Gmail

One word: Labels
Two words: Bright colors
***I also love that at the very moment I snapped my screenshot both SJs were green back to back on gchat. The simple joys in life.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Monday Full of Manna

When you wake up at 6 am for a conference call on a Monday morning and your power cord gets fried leaving you with a dead pc it is good to look for the manna in one's life.

1. Good morning scripture study
2. Emails from HM and PF
3. Lucy finding a spare power cord
4. Massage
5. Squash
6. Walk and Pinkberry with HN
7. Exfoliating!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

For where [charity] is, there in some degree is heaven.

There is that in the heart of every man that resists and resents [charity] from his fellow creatures or even from his creator. We naturally want to be desired to be found delightful, to satisfy worthily some hunger in others. To receive a love which is purely a gift, which bears witness solely to the lovingness of the giver and not at all to our loveliness is a severe mortification. We desperately need to receive such love from God and even from our fellow creatures, but we don’t naturally want to. Our necessity and our wishes are in conflict.

No sooner do we believe God loves us than there is an impulse to believe that he does so not because of what he is, but because of what we are, because we are intrinsically lovable. It so easy to admit, but so hard really to believe, but we are mirrors that so whole are derived from the sun that shines on them surely we think, we must have some inherent luminosity of our own.

As we are to God, so more obviously are we to our fellows. It is hard to bear [charity] from our fellows and yet each of us needs us. There is that in each of us that simply can’t be loved with natural love. Nobody can be expected to. Only the lovable can be naturally loved. Men can’t be asked to like the taste of rancid meat. It can be forgiven and pitied and loved with [charity], but not otherwise. Every listener who has a good parent or wife or husband or child, may be sure that at times he is the recipient of [charity], loved not because he is lovable but because love itself is in the other party. This we must learn, first to believe, then to endure, and then to delight in. And without guessing about it either. Such I conceive is the world of [charity]: a world of unbounded giving and unchained receiving where all blessed creatures need and know that they need nothing but God. And are therefore set free to love one another disinterestedly and so their love shall be like his, born neither of your need nor my deserving, but of plain bounty. I think those are drawing nearer to heaven who in this life, find that they need men less and love men more. And delight more in being loved without being needed. For where [charity] is, there in some degree is heaven.

From The Four Loves by CS Lewis

Now This Is True Love...

When I saw this on Post Secrets I felt my heart leap just a bit! So it's love that can turn someone away from the devil (aka the Red Soxs), of course it is that simple. I'll forgo anymore gospel parallels so I'm not struck down on the Sabbath. I will however encourage those dirty red soxs fans, whom I do love, to just ponder on these suggestions. 1. Give up the soxs. 2. Yanks are greater (obviously this is proof). and 3. You'll be okay!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


(Kate and her big bro, Pete)

Have you been thinking about ways that you can make a difference but can't come up with a good idea?

I've got a GREAT suggestion.

Donate to Team Hydro! Every dollar makes a difference. Help all those fighting hydrocephalus. Help my friend, Kate Finlayson, who's been fighting persistently each day amid difficult circumstances...always with a smile on her face. She's a modern day Joseph of Egypt in the way she faces each day, looking for the blessings in even the bleakest of hours.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Guest Blogger: Love One Another

Love One Another

In Leo Tolstoy’s final major novel, Resurrection, the repentant Prince Nekhlyudov muses:

“Men think there are circumstances when one may deal with human beings without love. But there are no such circumstances. We may deal with things without love – we cut down trees, make bricks, hammer iron without love – but we cannot deal with men without it … love is the fundamental law of human life.” (Tolstoy, Resurrection, Oxford World’s Classics 1999 edition, p. 383).

Far too often, we view another person as less than fully human. Perhaps, in the course of a political debate, an opponent falls from humanity to the lowly species of whichever party we happen to oppose. Perhaps an annoying coworker becomes classified in our mind as an irritant, an object which we wish would simply not exist in our life. Perhaps we feel obliged to publicly separate ourselves from an immature acquaintance, lest their social ineptitude reflect negatively on our own status.

Whenever we downgrade someone in such a manner, it is obvious that we might hurt that person. It is initially less obvious that we will also hurt ourselves. As Terry Warner has written, “who we are is how we are in relation to others.” (Bonds That Make Us Free, 41). When we treat any human being as less than fully human, we inevitably devalue all humanity – including our own.

On the other hand, when we love and serve those around us by treating them as fully humanas brothers and sisters – then our own humanity, in the fullest sense of the word, will grow. As Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught in the April 2010 LDS General Conference:

“As we extend our hands and hearts toward others in Christlike love, something wonderful happens to us. Our own spirits become healed, more refined, and stronger. We become happier, more peaceful, and more receptive to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit.”

The prophet Mormon prayed “that when [Christ] shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (Moroni 7:48) – like him, for He sees us as we are. To fulfill that prayer, we must learn to “see as [we] are seen, and know as [we] are known” (D&C 76:94). Each person in our life – each of His, and our, brothers and sisters – must become as real to us, as worthy of love, as they are to Him. This will demand an infinite expansion of our heart and soul, and may require an eternity to complete. Thankfully, such eternal life is within reach through the Atonement of the One who has already completed the journey. We can begin to live that eternal life now, as our hearts are softened by His Atonement and we see and love others, day by day, as He sees and loves them – as He loves us.


Let's Play Ball...

Those three little words quicken my heart faster than another three little words (at least for now). The smell of grass, hot dogs, beer, is like putting on the sweater of someone you love, taking in their smell, and feeling contentment. The only thing that could have made my first baseball game of the 2010 season would have been to watch the YANKEES.....oh wait, I DID!!! And we WON! And it wasn't too cold. And I had a hot dog (thank you Scotty R). And some ice cold DP (thank you Bryce).
Look at Germany and that big smile while wrapped in the YANKEES blanket!
Scotty R can really rock green pants (thanks for not wearing red soxs gear!)
I heart baseball (a lot!)!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why My Hair is #1 in The Top 5

Yes I snapped this photo first thing this morning (MPR can attest to the timing since she knows the green tee is a favorite pj shirt) because I was yet again amazed at how awesome my hair looks without any help and after tossing and turning all night-not bad at all. This one quality alone earns my hair the #1 spot in the Top 5 physical features of Jess Berry (a topic that will be discussed thoroughly at a later time).

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sweet n' Tangy

JB: I'm trying to more sweet, less tangy.

MPR: You sound like a sauce for dipping nuggets in.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Run of the Chihuahuas 5K!

MCB took the gold...not surprising. :) As for me, I was just glad that I kept somewhat of a decent pace, played Frisbee for much of that, and truly broke in my new running shoes.
What an adorable little family.
MCB and Mer (did she even break a sweat?)
HC and Mer...classic!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

All About Perspective

Often the deep valleys of our present will be understood only by looking back on them from the mountains of our future experience. Often we can’t see the Lord’s hand in our lives until long after trials have passed. Often the most difficult times of our lives are essential building blocks that form the foundation of our character and pave the way to future opportunity, understanding, and happiness.

Pres Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Read full talk here!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Repetition or Insanity?

Life is a funny thing you know, it seems we do the same things over and over again hoping for a different outcome. Some would call that the definition of insanity. Much repetition is for the good of men. Repeatedly tying our shoelaces for example is a very good thing, otherwise how would we ever perfect the skill? I, for one was a little slow in the mastery of shoelace tying but I kept at it. I still remember in the 4th grade finally tying that first perfect loop (still one of my greatest accomplishments to this day...seriously).

After I finished my first managerial accounting course in college I was overjoyed with myself for overcoming that hurdle. To my dismay the next term I realized that I had to repeatedly use the same accounting principles in not one but two of my courses. Leave it to me to select a discipline to study that required repetition at every turn. We see patterns of repetition in the gospel, in the principles taught, in the way they are taught, and to whom they are taught. Repetition in this sense is in perfect alignment with the repetition of shoelace tying, both essential to help us along the path of self mastery.

How often though do we repeat actions or do we repeatedly settle on the same opinion or do we repeatedly make the same choice expecting a different outcome each time; where the repetition isn't helping us to perfect a certain aspect of our lives or helping us learn something that we'll continually build upon? This happens a lot in my life. From things as trivial as hoping each time I watch A League of Their Own that Dottie won't drop the ball when Kit collides into her at home plate, wanting that different outcome if I just repeat the scene enough times. To weightier matters of life, such as repeatedly making the same judgments based on pure assumptions to [insert you favorite futile repetition]. Depending on the nature of our repetition the definition could be called just that, repetition or if we aren't careful it could quickly be converted to the definition of insanity.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jess Berry Quote Of The Day!

There are times, it seems, that God throws a cosmic switch that moves the tracks beneath us, hurling our lives headlong in a new and uncertain direction. Of these times just two things are certain: It's best we don't know what's ahead. We can never go back.

-The Sunflower

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not Quite a PA Yuppie Yet

JB: Hey, so I parked up the hill like I usually do. As I was opening my car door I saw two giant animals lumbering up the hill. Here's the thing, these raccoons were huge, and I didn't even have a gun. So that's why I parked closer.

JP: Jess Berry Is Indeed From Idaho

Share Thoughts with Your Father

Trust your father. He is not perfect, but he loves you and would never do anything he didn't think was in your best interest. So talk to him. Share your thoughts and feelings, your dreams and your fears. The more he knows about your life, the better chance he has to understand your concerns and to give you good counsel.

M. Russell Ballard, "Fathers and Sons: A Remarkable Relationship," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 47

Monday, April 12, 2010

JP's Birthday Dinner

So it wasn't an HC salad by any means however I was still impressed with my attempt. Base: Mixed Spring Greens. Adorned with Pink Lady apples (best type of apple in my humble opinion), strawberries, and cashews. With crasins sprinkled on top and dressed with a Raspberry Vinaigrette. BT made an amazing salmon, asparagus risotto that was divine as well!
JP asked for a Nerf gun so I delivered...probably more for my benefit than hers.
HN made a red velvet cake that could knock your socks off! Seriously it was delicious and we devoured it quicker than a college co-ed eats a jar of peanut butter on a Friday night.
Roommates! Happy Birthday JP!
CC giving Nerf tutorials...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Birthday JP!!!

(JP's the one wrapped up in blue tape...she's her own birthday present)

Reasons Why I Heart JP(in no particular order of course):

1. She's wears pink high heels.
2. She's got game on the football field.
3. She feeds me every week, (technically her personal chef, Richard, feeds me every week but she let's me come)!
4. She's has a huge heart that not only loves others but listens too.
5. She's an engineer in the making.
6. She's quick to observe the lonely among a crowd.
7.1 She FINALLY watched Better Off Dead for the first time and enjoyed it!
7.2 She understands when you use condiments as visual aids for guys when telling a story or ranking them along a grid (that is that Stanford education in full force).
7.3 She's a constant Connie!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JP! Thanks for being my friend!
I heart YOU!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's In The Doing

When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voice in prayer—no matter how eloquent the oration. President Thomas S. Monson put it this way: ‘It is not enough to want to make the effort and to say we’ll make the effort. . . . It’s in the doing, not just the thinking, that we accomplish our goals. If we constantly put our goals off, we will never see them fulfilled.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Two Principles for Any Economy,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 55

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's Spring! Love Is In The Air: Baseball Is Here

Despite a sad loss on Sunday's opening night to the devil himself, the Yanks came back in full force Tuesday night to answer the Red Soxs. To all the family (my own brothers) and friends who sent blasphemous emails or phone calls on Monday after Sunday's loss I forgive you and remind you that there will be 160 more games to play this season. Lest we are slow to remember, the Yanks have 27, yes 27 World Series, while the Soxs have how many, a mere 7. The Yanks are looking good this year. My spirits are higher just knowing that I can watch baseball any day of the week. I get giddy this time of year, move over boring winter, my favorite pass-time is back for another great season!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

WARNING!! Not A Post For Any Vegetarian!

Joshy Squashy and the Big Bob's Burger (I think they should shorten the name to The Triple B but that is just my opinion.

This possibly is the best shot I've ever taken. I love these guys. We are a BEEF loving family!
He learned at a very young age that he must attack the burger...or at least scare it with those eyes.
Are you getting hungry yet? I could eat beef right now...
You think his face is messy yet our waitress was swooning over this ketchup face. The boy finished that Big Bob's Burger quicker than I could eat my cup of chicken noodle soup. Well done kid, well done!

The Boring Berrys Come To Town

The Boring Berrys came for a visit during Squashy's spring break. For those of you that are thinking: how rude is she for calling her family boring let me just say that that nickname was given with love by the youngest of the Boring Berrys.

After many years of planning packed trips I was very impressed with the relaxation that took place during this visit by all (particularly Dadio). Thanks for coming! I love seeing you and I especially love spending time with the little bro. :) Love you all!

Recap of the weekend:
1. Shopped till we dropped (literally)
2. Watched March Madness
3. Went to the Temple
4. Went to Half Moon Bay, ate delicious Mexican food
5. Took naps
6. Manicures and Pedicures for the ladies (thank you Mama Berry)
7.1 Watched Stanford baseball and softball
7.2 Ate at PF Changs (Dadio's favorite)
7.3 Enjoyed a relaxing Sunday together

Oh and we played Frisbee in the park with JP.
No matter how tall he gets I'll always be older.
Decent catch I suppose.
"I could wear a dress and still look hot." -Squashy
Squashy's best buy of the whole trip! $4.99...yes they look like Wonder Bread...but they were a still and he cool enough to wear them.
What you look like when you go to the beach in March.
We could be twins...look at those faces. Adorable.

The folks evaded the camera most of the weekend...not cool folks...not at all.

Jess Berry Quote of The Day!

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Mary Engelbreit

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jess Berry Quote of The Day!

[The] ability to turn everything into something good appears to be a godly characteristic. Our Heavenly Father always seems able to do this. Everything, no matter how dire, becomes a victory to the Lord. Joseph, although a slave and wholly undeserving of this fate, nevertheless remained faithful to the Lord and continued to live the commandments and made something very good of his degrading circumstances. People like this cannot be defeated.

Elder Hartman Rector Jr.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Testimony of the Book of Mormon

Possibly The Best Easter Candy Ever

Icky Chickies! I love them and the whole Icky Chickie Sushi idea rocks! My mom LOVES icky chickies!! I will probably be going to the store in the morning to pick some up to survive the Monday.