Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why My Hair is #1 in The Top 5

Yes I snapped this photo first thing this morning (MPR can attest to the timing since she knows the green tee is a favorite pj shirt) because I was yet again amazed at how awesome my hair looks without any help and after tossing and turning all night-not bad at all. This one quality alone earns my hair the #1 spot in the Top 5 physical features of Jess Berry (a topic that will be discussed thoroughly at a later time).


Deborah said...

you could have at least smiled for the picture :) but I agree. That mane is amazing.

Jess said...

haha...I was just lucky enough to actually take the photo of myself...smiling is an advance class that I'm not prepared for yet.

Sandi said...

Your hair does look great, I love the wavy side bang, it looks like movie star hair. Sometimes I think my hair looks better in the morning when I wake up than after I shower and get ready, why is that?

Jess said...

Because natural tossing and turning is the next big hairstyle trend SJ!

ps..will email you back tonight.

Anonymous said...

you're sooo vain... ;)