Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lucky 7 Comes Through Again!

In my Google calendar where I typically put events such as July 16th (Jared's B-day), on July 17th I put "One of the greatest days of the YEAR!". The 17th day of the 7th month! As I was driving from Melville to Park Place (listening to "Under Pressure" by Queen & David Bowie) after discussing wonderful tender mercies with my friend, KT, I counted 17 Toyota Priuses on the 17th day of the 7th month (A game I've started playing in PA after my Berkeley Boys told me about their all time record of 38 Priuses in a three mile stretch. What a tender mercy that was, once again allowing my Lucky 7 to shine! July 17th is truly "One of the greatest days of the YEAR!". Tender mercies come in all different sizes, shapes, and flavors but nevertheless they are tender! :)

1 comment:

Deborah said...

You are never going to believe this! I got to drive a Prius yesterday! At girls' camp we had to drive to the lake to go canoing. It's a 45 minute drive. Anyway, we didn't have enough seats, but luckily the camp nurse came up that day and she's from our ward. So she let me drive some of our girls in her Prius. That was quite the experience (which reminds me I have to blog it). But I just thought it was ironic that I drove a Prius on the day you were counting Priuses.