Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In Preparation For The Next Wedding

Below at T.Hammer's Wedding during the bouquet toss I demonstrate the proper way to conquer the bouquet toss. Girls please pay close attention so when you find yourself in such a situation that you'll know the most effective method to obtain your prize.
Step 1: Be in the middle
Step 2: Bear down, square up for the box out
Step 3: Use your hips for an effective box out with mouth open (most effective)
Step 4: Stiff-arm one of your opponents with the right arm while using the left to reach for the bouquet
Step 5: Continue to stiff-arm one opponent while the left reaches for the prize
Step 6: Use the left hip to continue to box out another opponent.
Step 7: Use right arm to take down one opponent while using the left to take the bouquet that barely is grasped by another opponent's hand (Bride blocking this visual).

A few additional hints:
Remove heels
Pull hair out of face
Make sure the strongest opponent is on your strongest side (i.e. my left)
Not tested but if soft surfaces surround the event tripping should be considered for added success

Next live event: Adam and Mike(y)'s wedding


Jewels said...

LOVE IT! You go girl!

Deborah said...

I love how you had a serene smile that transformed to "Grrrr" with each photograph. Very Jess.