Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How Often Do We Walk In Each Other's Shoes?

I would propose not often enough.

Maybe you're like me and find yourself having "shoe envy" when your own "shoes" are worn out, not as bright and shiny as you once thought, or creating blisters on your toes if you forget stockings. You say to yourself, if only I could sport those green heels or the latest Vans then I'd be set. Maybe you ask to try the green heels for a day. After a hour you still don't have the balance for the heels and you trip right into the dirt. Halfway through the day your calves ache. That night you realize you have more than one blister on your toes. As you soak your sore feet your green envy turns to gratitude towards those old black flats. Tomorrow you'll polish them right up and trust that one day your feet will be ready for the occasional sassy heels.

Enjoy what you are wearing in life, your personal capacity has been molded to wear your "shoes" and to wear them well.


chris said...

Is that me?? I recognize the shoes but I have no recollection of the event!

Jess said...

Nope. Which pair of shoes do you recognize? The heels, right?