Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yankees In The Bay! Happy Day!

When the Yankees come to town my excitement level is like my childhood excitement for Christmas. This also means that I sit much closer than other random baseball games. We made it for the first pitch, thank goodness since Jeter hit a line-drive right at Mark Ellis and true to his nature he choked (bobbled the ball and then let it pass by him). Double bonus! Followed by C. Granderson hitting a two-run homer! What a way to start the game. We went on to win 10-3. Well done Yanks, well done indeed. Oh and we swept the A's in this series!
Log, still smiling even though his team is losing 10-3, he celebrates the small victories of the game, not the loss.
Actually sporting his rally cap in the 9th...better luck against a team that is not the NEW YORK YANKEES!

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