Sunday, June 5, 2011

Soul Food, Rain, Goldfish, Pastries, and Splurging

Friday night, MB, HC, MPR, and I left our suburbia of PA and embarked on a weekend getaway to SF. It began with some Sparky's root beer for the drive in honor of MB. Once in the city there was a moment of panic (that I hide well) as I navigated HC to Auntie April's for dinner, fearing this was round two of the famous search of phantom Wendy's of 2008. Luckily for us, we found it! It was well worth the slight panic. Following dinner we made our way to our fancy hotel, that yes gives you a companion goldfish for your stay. That little guy protected us all night. Not to mention that SWEET robes MPR and I sported during our stay (see below).

Saturday morning = RAIN and us walking from 4th and Market to the Ferry Bldg for the farmer's market. What did I learn from this rain experience?
1. I should have worn my rain boots, instead of leaving them at the hotel.
2. I'm still a pretty slow walker (thank goodness MPR is almost as slow).
3. Public Transit was invented for rainy days.

After the farmer's market (where none of ate our weight in pastries, unfortunately we had too much self control) we did what women do best...we shopped obviously. I purchased Born coral flats and a sexy purple dress for SJ and HN's weddings. (Don't worry, MPR won't allow me to wear the shoes with the dress). Thanks to my Macy's card and MPR, HC broke her piggy bank and almost purchased the entire Ladies' department. Was it worth it? I'll speak for HC, totally. Just wait until you see her in that red skirt, and that blue dress, and that black dress, oh and in her power suit! Along with splurging on ourselves, we did a little "special" shopping for SJ (hehe). Yes, I used my special talent to find some rather amazing did MPR and HC...MB will be surprising us with whatever she finds for the bride.

All in all, it was a blast. Even with a soaking wet body these girls still make the city fun.
Catfish... delicious. MB got the chicken and waffles...I tried the waffles (amazing!)
Oh just a little neighborhood artwork in the ghetto...
Possibly my favorite picture of MPR and I to date.
Preparing to enter the rain yet again...
My blueberry scone...I'm told HC's was better.
MPR didn't quite get all of the afternoon pastry in her mouth, hehe
and my poor, sore, soaked Vans...I hope my shoes and feet forgive me eventually for putting them through the rain.


Sunshine said...


Jess said...

Until next time that is... ;)

Jennifer Peterson said...

how dare you put those vans in the rain. ;)